Millennials show most interest in cruise

Millennials show most interest in cruise

Millennials are the group that are most interested in taking a cruise, according to ABTA’s Holiday Habits Report.

The data showed that 25-34 were the age group most interested in taking their first cruise, followed by 18-24 year-olds.

ABTA also revealed that 77% of those who have been on a cruise would go on one again, it was revealed.

The Holiday Habits Report also found that:

  • 42% of people questioned had not been on a cruise, but were interested
  • 32% had not been on one and were not interested

Of all the reasons to take a cruise, the opportunity to visit multiple destinations was a reason cited by 80% of people, as opposed to 74% of people in 2016.

The report also found that 87% of respondents took a holiday in the 12 months before August 2017, the highest proportion since 2011.

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